We redefine the way we move!

Climate Action

Contribute to climate action by enabling green economy solutions in prioritized sectors.

Active projects

Alliance for Hydrogen

We promote the use of Green Hydrogen in Costa Rica. Our challenge is to evolve from oil derived energy sources to alternative, sustainable ones in public transportation and the general industries, to contribute with the decarbonization efforts and to reduce emissions.  

The Hydrogen Alliance is integrated by the CRUSA Foundation, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the IADB Lab and the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE).  


Silvio Heimann

Hydrogen Alliance

"CRUSA is the ideal partner in this magnificent adventure to decarbonize Costa Rica's economy. If it were easy, someone else would have done it already. However, it is not easy, because often what is important is also intellectually and financially challenging. We will continue to try and do our best so that we have an economy that is sustainable, inclusive, prosperous, generates wealth, and benefits society. It is not a simple challenge, but with the right partners, we are confident we will achieve it". 

William Ernest Mondol

BID Lab Costa Rica

"With CRUSA we share the vision of developing a more inclusive and sustainable Costa Rica through innovation".


E-taxiCR, "Accelerating the transition to electric public transportation in the Greater Metropolitan Area", promotes electric mobility in public transportation with a demonstration pilot project in the cab fleet of the Juan Santa María Airport".

This project is developed with the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), with financial contributions from the Global Environment Facility (GEF).  

Karen Araya

Coordinator E-taxiCR

"The transportation sector is the largest generator of Greenhouse Gases in Costa Rica, with more than 54% of reported emissions. However, we are recognized worldwide for our highly renewable electricity matrix. We have the opportunity to transform Costa Rica towards a low-emission and even zero-emission electric mobility”.

Randall Zúñiga

Energy former director

“We have sought to develop projects in electromobility that facilitate new technologies into the country and encourage their use. The CRUSA Foundation will show us how electric taxis can become a reality. We must change once and for all our public and private transportation". 

For more information, contact:

Rosina Campos Torres
Climate Action Programs & Projects Officer
[email protected]